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  • Adjustable Tyne Mounted Assembly - Flat-On 15 inch 80mm Wedge Semi Pneumatic Tyre - Slimline Agrihub

Adjustable Tyne Mounted Assembly - Flat-On 15 inch 80mm Wedge Semi Pneumatic Tyre - Slimline Agrihub

  • adj 2 side80WGSP
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  • 15pw80wgsp1
  • pwhubahsa
  • pwhubsah1


Assembly - Adjustable Tyne Mounted Press Wheels are most widely used where there is a need to put the press wheel right in behind the tyne and where space limitations do not allow for any other mounting method. The popularity of these units is due to the fact that they give a cost effective means getting the press wheel in close behind the tyne. The adjustable variant allows a variety of methods of adjusting pressure and wheel position, making them suitable for a wider number of tyne varieties. All units come standard configured as a swivel unit. The units can be configured for low pressure (15kg) or high pressure (40kg), however most units are run at an average pressure of around 20 kg. A choice of 15, 16 or 18 inch wheel sizes is available with a large number of tyre options, most units are sold with 15 inch wheels. Units come standard with Zero Maintenance Agrihub. Caution needs to be exercised when using tyne mounts as they are not suitable on some machines and in some conditions. The tyne design, breakout and sowing conditions are all important considerations. To determine whether your machine and conditions are suitable please contact Manutec to discuss.

Tyre - 80mm wide mid range wedge semi-pneumatic tyre. This tyre is a medium pressure tyre suited to wet and sticky conditions. Tyre will give good average results across a range of soil and climatic conditions. Tyre is good for moisture seeking and seed pressing in most conditions. Tyre has a tendency to leave paddocks rough, which is a necessity of the moisture channelling. This tyre is well suited to most seeding methods, points and boots. Not recommended in very rough or very abrasive soils (see semi solid or solid variants of this tyre)  For very sticky conditions see the Hi Flex version of this tyre.

In the more information section below is a Tyre Information and selection pdf.

When measuring tyres we use the outside diameter of the tyre, so when we refer to this as a 15 inch tyre it means that the outside diameter of the tyre is approximately 15 inches.


Product Specifications

No. of Wheels ONE
Mounting Method FLAT ON TYNE MOUNT
Environment 1 WET SOWING
Environment 3 STICKY, RED, SAND - SOIL
Weight 24.79KG
$681.22 /EAinc GST

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